Monday, June 22, 2009


Well, it looks like Shaun of the Dead might not be the only notable zombie comedy movie we get this decade.

Trailer courtesy of Apple and Columbia Pictures.
Woody Harrelson playing a character named "Tallahassee" and kicking zombie ass, alongside a cowardly Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone? That's awesome enough by itself, but Bill Murray as a zombie!? That's like a cherry on top of a really good ice cream sundae. As usual, when a trailer hits for something like this, I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but Zombieland already sounds like a scary good time.
Here's a better guess of the story from William Goss of Cinematical:
The tone of at least the trailer (I could see the narration carrying over to
the film) strikes me as something like Shaun of the Dead crossed with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and I for one don't think that
intersection's a bad place to be.
Not a bad place at all. I also just noticed that it's coming out in October. Maybe just in time for Halloween? I know I'd watch this over the next shock-driven Saw flick any day.
On one last note for the day, God bless Bill Murray. First he comes back to do Ghostbusters 3, and now he's doing this. I just want to give him a high five from the moon right now.

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