Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween again!

Did any of you guys catch the premiere of the Walking Dead on AMC last night? Gruesome stuff, but awesome as well. Can't wait to see more.

Anyway, I think now would be a good time to give you guys an update as to what's been happening lately. I recently just got a full time, 37 1/2 hour a week job at a medical billing company. It's not exactly what I expected to be doing, but it pays the bills, and that's always important. What makes this relevant is that now that I have a set amount of hours, I'll have a bit of a more stable schedule, which means that it will be slightly easier for me to make posts here.

It's kind of a shame that I've been so busy lately though, as I've been missing some great films coming out. I would have liked to see Red and The Social Network, or even Easy A or Jackass 3D. Oh well, maybe I might review them when they're available on Netflix. I promise you though, there will be more content coming soon.

For now though, I'll just share with you this video I found on Cracked's Youtube channel. I thought it was pretty funny, anyway.